Welcome To Our Year 6 (Pine) Class Page
Teacher: Mrs Godding
Teaching Assistant: Mr Sutton
Happy New Year and welcome to our first Spring term. Our school value this half term is 'gratitude' so we are looking for children to demonstrate this value throughout the next six weeks. With so many opportunities, we can't wait to see their light shine!
If you would like to arrange to walk home from school please contact the office to provide permission. You can bring a phone into school so you have it available for walking home, however this must be handed in to Mrs Godding as soon as you arrive into the classroom in the morning.
Please contact Mrs Godding with any questions via info@stjohnsrc.net.
27th January - NEW - Our 'St John's Feast Day'
6th February - Young Voices concert
11th February - Safer Internet Day
Spring 1 Curriculum
Reading: War Horse
Writing: Creating our own suspense story
Informal / Informal tone - persuasive advertising, reviewing and writing an informal letter
Fractions, decimals and percentages.
Converting units
Sources: The Bible
History: Peterloo Massacre / The Suffragettes
Programming - Variables in games
Games - tag rugby
Electrical systems - making a steady hand game
Discovering Spain
Keeping safe:
How do I manage peer pressure?
What are basic emergency first aid skills?
What are the risks out and about in my local area?
Singing - Dona Nobis Pacem
Physical Education
It's advisable to bring your PE kit into school and leave it on your peg. However, you will be changing into PE kit on the following days (and not coming into school with it on):
Please login into Atom Prime each week: https://atomlearning.com/prime
You will find your English and maths tasks on there. Have a go at the tasks set because it will not only adapt to your answers (to make sure it's at the right level for you) but also help you with where you went wrong.
You will be taking spellings home weekly - these reflect the rules we work on in class and any words you need to work on personally. Please learn these words so you can spell them accurately in your writing. It's also important to learn the following Year 5 and 6 statutory words:
Please ensure you are reading regularly at home using a book provided from school - we recommend 30 minutes a day. Please ensure that school books are returned regularly. This is monitored.