Welcome To Our Reception Oak
Class Page!
Miss Ging (Teacher)
Miss Meeley (Teaching Assistant)
Welcome to Reception Oak! We are very excited about the year ahead and helping our children to develop, thrive and have fun in all aspects of their learning during their first stage of school!
Our school 'X' page (formerly 'Twitter') and Tapestry account is updated regularly, so you can see the exciting learning and experiences taking place.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to speak to us at morning drop-off, or afternoon pick-up. Alternatively, Miss Ging can be contacted on info@stjohnsrc.net (please type Miss Ging in the subject header).
This term, Parents' Evening will be taking place on Wednesday 9th October 2024.
Please find attached a letter below entitled: 'Welcome To Reception Letter - September 2024' detailing all the important information for the year ahead!
Story Time! (Read By Some Of Our Early Years Staff)