
Year 5 - Willow


Welcome to Year 5 

Teacher: Miss Fallon

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Payne, Mrs Doohan, Mrs McGovern, Mr Breen

Welcome back - Autumn 2


We hope you and your families have enjoyed a lovely break. We have a great half term ahead of us and our school value for this half term is 'respect'. Please see below for this half term's curriculum information.


Please don't forget that X is updated regularly, so you'll see lots of learning and experiences taking place on there. Remember, you can contact school at




Key dates


WC 11th November: Multi-faith week - focusing on Judaism with guest speaker.


Monday 11th November: Remembrance Day


Sunday 1st December: Whole School Mass and Christmas Fair


Tuesday 17th December: Christmas lunch and Carols by Candlelight 6pm at St John's Church


Thursday 19th December: party day/own clothes day


Friday 20th December: Finish for Christmas


Key Information


PE - Thursday and Friday

This year, children are to come into school in full school uniform and get changed into their PE kits on their PE days. Please bring full PE kits into school on these days.


Reading Books

We encourage children to read for at least 30 minutes every day. We would appreciate your support in helping them to find some time every day to enjoy a book.

Children will be given a banded reading book and a 'reading for pleasure' book to take home. Children should bring their reading book in every day as there will be opportunities for reading throughout the day. Their reading books will be changed every Friday if needed.




Please login into Atom Prime each week: 


English and maths will be added every Thursday.






The spellings for this year are below (Stage 5). Children will have spelling lessons in class and activities and quizzes throughout the week. Weekly spellings will be written in purple spelling books and these are to be brought into school each day. We would appreciate your support in reminding children to practise these words at home.


Children will not have a formal-style spelling test each week as they will be assessed in other ways (e.g. dictation, quizzes, independent application). 

Curriculum information - Autumn 2



Main writing outcome: Fictional, adventure writing based on the legend 'Beowulf'

Reading texts:     Beowulf - Michael Morpurgo 

                         Thief! - Malorie Blackman

Poetry: Slam Poetry



Multiplication and Division




Life choices - Marriage commitment and service

Judaism - Beliefs

Hope - Advent; waiting in joyful hope for Jesus; the promised one



Animals including humans


The Anglo-Saxons and Vikings



Video production



Healthy Lifestyles



Introduction to song writing



The way we look



Mixed media - collage


Physical Education




It's advisable to bring your PE kit into school and leave it on your peg.  However, you will be changing into PE kit on the following days (and not coming into school with it on):

  • Thursday
  • Friday