
Year 3 - Sycamore


Welcome To Our Year Three Class Page

Miss Gilleece & Mrs Malik

Welcome to Summer 2


Quite unbelievably we are already in the final half term of the year and the children are working very hard. We hope you and your families have enjoyed a lovely half-term break.


This is a busy final term which includes multi-faith week and sports week. We also have the Spanish exchange happening in the first week back after half-term. Plus camping overnight at school.


We will do our best as staff to capture the children's amazing learning and achievements and share these with you via the school Twitter pages as well as updating you on key curriculum and timetable changes here on this class page.


The value for this half term is "love" and we will be encouraging the children to think about ways to show love and to think about how much they are loved.



NB. Miss Gilleece will be in class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

      Mrs Malik will be in class Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Important dates this half term:


Tuesday 11th June - Commencement of Swimming lessons

Spanish Exchange - 11th June - 18th June

Assessment Week 17 - 21st June

Sports Week –  24th – 28th June 2024 

Y3/4 Sports Day - Wednesday 26th June (10am)

Year 3 Camping at School - 28th June 2024



Multi-faith Week -  WC 1st July

Mr Sanderson Music Concert - Wednesday 3rd July (9am)

Children watch Y6 Show (Mary Poppins) Tuesday 8th July (1.10pm)

Mary Poppins Shows - Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July


End of Year Friday 19th July (finish half day)


This half term's timetable is the same as Summer 1 with the exception of Friday afternoons where the children will complete a D&T project based on Electrical Systems.  We also be squeezing in another art project based on Ancient Egptians!


Please note, children will need to bring their Swimming kit on Tuesdays (Swimming costume/trunks and a towel).  PE on Wednesdays will continue to be outdoor, children can wear navy, plain tracksuit bottoms and tops over their St John's blue tshirt.


Year 3 What are we learning this year?


Please find the information for our core subjects in Summer 2 below:


English:  Zeraffa Giraffa is the book that we will be covering in English. We will consolidate the units that we have covered so far this year and produce letters, diary entries, stories and non-chronological reports.


Maths:  This half term, we will be continuing the unit on Fractions. We will be also covering work on money, shape and statistics.


Religion:  World Faiths (Hinduism). Universal Church – Special Places


Science:  We will be continuing our work on the final Science topic of Forces and Magnets.


Humanities:  This half term we will continue the exciting History topic exploring ancient civilisations including the Ancient Sumer; The Indus Valley; Ancient Egypt and The Shang Dynasty of Ancient China.  Please note, we will focus mainly on the Ancient Egyptians.





Your child will come home each Friday with a colour-banded reading book.  These books can only be changed each Friday, however they can be kept longer than a week if necessary. 


The children should also be now bringing home a library book (book of choice) which they have chosen to read for pleasure.  This book might not be pitched at your child's current reading age but the aim is to encourage the children to find enjoyment in reading through shared stories.  Please share the library book at home and even read to your child if necessary, so they can enjoy the story.  We aim to visit the library to change these books once a week.





We will continue to send home weekly spellings based on a spelling rule each week.  

The first 5 spellings follow a rule which we will explore in class.  The second half of the spellings are Year 3/4 Statutory spellings, which the children are expected to use and spell correctly by the end of Year 4.


Note, in class we are focussing on spelling patterns and high frequency/sight words. 



English will continue to be set on Atom Prime and will develop children's spelling, grammar and comprehension.

If you have any queries about this or need help accessing it, please let us know via  Please note that Atom Prime homework will be set on Mondays and will be live until midnight the following Sunday.


The children's log in details should be stuck into the inside of their purple spelling journals.



We will continue to set Maths homework using MyMaths this half term.  If you are unsure of your child's login details.  Please ask your child's class teacher.


Homework will be set on Mondays and will be available to complete until Sunday night.


Times Tables:

The children now have logins for TT Rockstars which is very popular platform for practising times tables.  The logins were stuck into the front of the purple books last half term, please let us know if you need these sending home again. 
