
Year 6 - Cedar


Welcome To Our Year Six Class Page

Mrs Greenwell

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs McGovern and Mr Plant



Welcome back to our final half term together!  We are excited to conclude your child's time at St John's with lots of exciting events (see the dates list above)!  Schoolsbuddy will have all the details to book onto the Crucial Crew trip and making donations for the summer production of Mary Poppins Junior.  We are also hoping to host some coffee mornings at the cafe, so watch this space for more details.


Debate club continues this half term:

Debate: Friday at 8am

(Maths club does not)


Please don't forget that Twitter is updated regularly, so you'll see lots of learning and experiences taking place on there.  Mrs Godding can be contacted on




Spanish Exchange - 11th June - 18th June

(activities include a Year 6 trip to MOSI on 14th June)


Sports Day - 25th June


The Big Sing trip - 28th June


Multi-faith Week - Year 6 focus on Hinduism - WC 1st July


Mary Poppins Shows - Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th July


Crucial Crew trip - 12th July


Leavers' Mass - Tuesday 16th July St John's Church 6pm


Leavers' Assembly - 18th July 9.30am

Curriculum - Summer 2



Writing a non-chronological report about the Amazon basin.

Narrative writing



Revision of topics in preparation for Year 7

Problem solving tasks



Healing - learning about the Sacrament of the sick

World Faiths - Hinduism




  • Learn to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in the circuit.
  • Compare and give reasons for variations in how components function, including the brightness of bulbs, the loudness of buzzers and the on/off position of switches.
  • Use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram.



South America



Programming including sensing movement

3D Modelling




Cricket / rounders



How my body changes (more details will be emailed)



Discovering Spain continues and a revision of topics taught in KS2


Design and Technology

Electrical systems



Team prints and a focus on artist Keith Haring





Please login into Atom Prime each week: 


You will find your English and maths tasks on there.  Have a go at the tasks set because it will not only adapt to your answers (to make sure it's at the right level for you) but also help you with where you went wrong.  


You will be taking spellings home weekly - these reflect the rules we work on in class and any words you need to work on personally.  Please learn these words so you can spell them accurately in your writing.  It's also important to learn the following Year 5 and 6 statutory words:

Please ensure you are reading regularly at home using a book provided from school - we recommend 30 minutes a day.  Please ensure that school books are returned regularly.  This is monitored.
