
Year 4 - Beech



Welcome to Year 4 Beech

Miss Raynes


Teaching Assistants:

Mrs. Doohan, Mr. Plant, Miss. McGovern and Miss. Stansbury



We hope you and your families have enjoyed a lovely break.  We have a great summer term ahead of us and our final value is 'love'.  Please see below for curriculum information.


Please don't forget that Twitter is updated regularly, so you'll see lots of learning and experiences taking place on there.  Miss Raynes can be contacted on


We will use Twitter to regularly share examples of the learning and experiences that happen over the course of each term.


Key Information



Tuesday and Thursday

Children are to come into school in full school uniform and get changed into their PE kits on their PE days. Please bring full PE kits into school on these days.


Reading Books

We encourage children to read for at least 30 minutes every day. We would appreciate your support in helping them to find some time every day to enjoy a book.

Children will be given a book band reading book and a 'reading for pleasure' book to take home. There will be an opportunity to change these books every Friday.




Please login into Atom Prime each week: 


English and Maths will be added every Tuesday.


Spellings will be sent home at the beginning of each half term alongside the year 3/4 statutory spelling words. Children will take home a home spelling book which needs to be brought into school each day.


We look forward to a wonderful  term ahead and thank you for your continued support!


Curriculum - Summer 1



'Blue John' - Explanation letter




Shape, Statistics and Position and Direction



Building bridges - Sacrament of Reconciliation

World Faith - Islam

God's people - Different Saints



Sound - Children will identify how sounds are made, associating some of them with something vibrating; recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear; find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it; find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it; and finally, recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.



The Romans 



Repetition in Games



Outdoor games and dance



Relationships and Health Education

1. What is diversity?

2. Do boys and girls have different roles? 

3. What changes happen to my body? 



Body parts



Mosaic design: Roman columns 

Artist: Gaudi 



Electrical Systems: Torches



Favourite Song

Global Pentatonics

The Horse in Motion







Year 4 What are we learning this year?

Year 4 Spelling List - Long Term Plan
