
Assessing the impact of the curriculum


We check learning and the impact of our curriculum in 3 ways: 

  • DAILY FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT – to inform and adapt teaching on an ongoing basis
  • SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT – to ascertain knowledge and understanding at the end of a series of lessons and at the end of units of work.
  • STATUTORY ASSESSMENT – to ascertain knowledge and understanding in relation to National expectations.



We assess students' knowledge and skills by monitoring their progress during lessons. This allows us to identify any gaps in learning, enabling us to help students build upon their existing knowledge confidently. Through effective feedback, marking, recap, and recall activities, we evaluate knowledge and understanding, thus enabling us to adjust teaching methods to facilitate the next steps in learning for all students across all subjects.




We evaluate students' knowledge, skills, and understanding gained over a series of lessons using tests, quizzes, and targeted reteaching to address any misconceptions.

At the end of each term we use the NFER standardised test papers in Reading and Maths to get a picture of each child's progress.





Early Years Foundation Stage

The statutory EYFS Framework requires the EYFS profile assessment to be carried out in the final term of the year in which a child reaches age 5, and no later than 30th June in that term. Practitioners will use their professional judgement to make these assessments, based on their knowledge and understanding of what the child knows, understands, and can do. Summative assessment is based on an holistic view of what the child can demonstrate against each of the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Reception year.


Key stage 1 Assessments


The phonics check takes place in June of Year 1 and assesses the children's phonics knowledge. The test is conducted in a supportive manner by the child's class teacher.



The pass mark is  32 and your child's result will be in their report. If a pupil does not meet this 'expected standard', they are tested again in Year 2.




We will continue to assess pupils in Year 2 using the government issued papers even though there is now no statutory requirement. This information will be used alongside teacher judgements to form a picture of the child at the end of KS1.


Key Stage 2 Assessments 

YEAR 4 - Multiplication Check

This check takes place in the Summer term of Year 4



There is no pass mark for the MTC. 

** In 2023, 29% of pupils achieved a score of 25. The mean average score of pupils was 20.2.



These tests take place in May.



The range of scaled scores available for each KS2 test are as follows 80 is the lowest scaled score that can be awarded, 120 is the highest scaled score.

A pupil awarded a scaled score of 100 or more has met the expected standard in each test. A pupil awarded a scaled score of 99 or less has not met the expected standard in the test.  As writing is teaching assessed, there are no scaled score equivalents and are reported as ‘working towards the expected standard’. 'working at the expected standard' or ‘working at greater depth within the expected standard.'




Mrs Godding describes how the KS2 SATs work

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