Welcome To Our Year One Fir Class Page - Mr Jones
Teaching Assistant - Mrs. McGovern, Miss Smith
Welcome back!
We hope you and your families have enjoyed a lovely holiday and made the most of the end of holiday snowfall! We are looking forward to another great half term with our Year 1 children.
There will be lots of information for you, our parents and carers, so please look out for messages on SCHOOLSBUDDY as this is our main means of communication.
Please take time to look at X where we will show you the learning and experiences taking place in school. Please tell us if you do not wish your child to appear on social media or our website.
Please feel free to speak to us at the gate in the mornings or after school and do not hesitate to contact us on info@stjohnsrc.net should you have any queries.
Curriculum – Spring 1
Texts -
The Snail and the Whale – Julia Donaldson
ELS phonics is taught daily.
READING BOOKS - these are sent home on a FRIDAY and should be returned to school every THURSDAY.
Home Reading
Your child is expected to read for at least 10 minutes, five times a week.
However, they are not limited to five times as we would like them to read as often as possible to develop a real love for books and take pleasure in exploring different types of books.
When you read with your child, please record this in their reading record.
When you record what your child has read, please include the following:
✓ The date they have read on.
✓ The name of the book they have read.
✓ The pages that they have read that day.
✓ A couple of sentences about what you have noticed or how they have read.
Place Value
Addition and subtraction
Special people - People in the parish family
Meals - Mass; Jesus’ special meal
This half term's value is GRATITUDE
Everyday materials
Changes within living memory – Trains
Programming A - Moving a robot
Feathers and Birds Blind drawing, observational drawing, 2D to 3D making
Keeping Safe
1.What are the rules for keeping me safe in school and outside?
2. What are the rules about household substances?
3. What is an “emergency” and what do we do?
These are also linked to our Rights Respecting Curriculum.
Dance: Explorers
Outdoor Games
PE days are on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY. Children should come to school in their SCHOOL PE KIT on these days.
Dawn from Sea
Interludes Musical Conversations