At St. John's School, it is our aim to ensure that all children take part in trips, visits, and residentials that support the topics they are studying. We believe these experiences are invaluable for several reasons. By prioritising these experiences, we aim to provide a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom walls, preparing our students not just academically, but socially and culturally for the diverse world they will enter as adults. WE also hope that these trips will bring a lot of enjoyment!
Each year group in KS2 are offered a residential.
Blue Planet Aquarium - Children learn about marine life, identifying and classifying creatures, i.e. whether they’re herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores
Smithills Farm - A wonderful farm experience, with over 25 different types of residents. Some are more furry than others!
Year 1
Imagine That! - Three zones of fun, the imagination village where we can dress up and perform on stage. The science zone where we are able to make snow and the Art zone where we can paint a real car. The children are all given slime and a fridge magnet to take home.
Tatton Park - Historic estate with Tudor hall, neo-classical mansion, lavish gardens, a deer park and playground.
Year 2
Martin Mere - Linked to our science work, we explore a range of habitats, including pond life and insects.
Quarry Bank Mill - Linked to our local history work - we do a range of activities including experiencing the sights and sounds of a working mill and find our about the various aspects of being an apprentice in the apprentice house.
Year 3
Tatton Park -The trip is to support the children’s learning on the topic of the Stone Age. They will be learning about the turbulent world of the ancient era in an exciting, hands-on workshop. Children will be transported back in time to a Stone Age settlement. Historical characters will help the children to examine what life was like for these groups of people; considering cave life, religion, work, battle, food, language and geography.
Camp Out - A fun night camping out on the school field filled with fun activities provided by We Are Adventurers.
Irish Festival - An interactive day full of singing and playing percussion/tuned instruments in addition to hearing a live band.
Year 4
Grosvenor Museum Chester - A workshop and visit to a Roman gallery.
We will also participate in an exciting Roman Soldier Tour run by the Grosvenor Museum where the children will walk to the Amphitheatre, through the Roman Gardens.
Manchester Museum of Science and Industry - A day looking at the development of science, technology and industry with emphasis on the city's achievements in these fields.
Robinwood - A 3 day, 2 night residential trip, the children will have the opportunity to participate in some outdoor adventurous activities, including canoeing, raft building, giant swing, zip wire and lots of other activities that will challenge, develop teamwork and stimulate the imagination
Year 5
Tatton Park - Anglo Saxon experience The chidren will learn about the turbulent world of the Anglo Saxons and Vikings in 10th Century AD in an exciting, hands-on workshop. The children will be transported back in time to an ancient settlement just after a Viking raid has taken place and see the effects it had on the Anglo Saxon community. Historical characters will help to examine what life was like for these two groups of people; considering home life, religion, work, battle, trade, food, language and geography.
Maya Experience - Dr Dianne Davies, the UK's only Maya archaeologist visits St John's for fascinating workshop where children can handle artefacts and learn about Maya life.
Spanish Exchange - Nigran An amazing opportunity to spend a week in life of spanish child, living with their families and attending their school.
Year 6
Ghyll Head - A 3 day, 2 night residential course packing in lots of exciting activities providing the right balance by offering activities that will challenge, develop teamwork and stimulate the imagination.
Imperial War Museum - To further enhance the Year 6 topic of 'Conflict through time' we visit the Museum to explore powerful stories of over a century of war. The children are immersed into visual and auditory experiences within the extraordinary architecture of the building and its art and artefact collections.
Year 5 and Year 6
The Big Sing: Almost 2,000 pupils from schools across Manchester visit the spectacular Bridgewater Hall, coming together to celebrate the very best of Soul and Motown music! We enjoy bringing new life to these timeless classics, bridging the gap between generations of music-lovers.