
Year 2 – Chestnut


Welcome To Our Year Two Class Page - Mr Sutcliffe



Welcome back! 


We hope you and your families have enjoyed a lovely holiday and made the most of the end of holiday snowfall!  We are looking forward to another great half term with our Year 2 children which will include our class assemblies and our trip to Quarry Bank Mill. 


There will be lots of information for you, our parents and carers, so please look out for messages on SCHOOLSBUDDY as this is our main means of communication. 


Please take time to look at X where we will show you the learning and experiences taking place in school. Please tell us if you do not wish your child to appear on social media or our website.  


Please feel free to speak to us at the gate in the mornings or after school and do not hesitate to contact us on should you have any queries. 




Thursday 23rd January 2025  9:30am KS1 Hall  – Year 2 CHESTNUT class assembly  


Friday 24th January 2025  9:30am KS1 Hall  – Year 2 SILVER BIRCH class assembly 


Friday 7th February 2025 – Year 2 Trip to Quarry Bank Mill (please contact us if you wish to help with this trip) 

Year 2 What are we learning this year?

Curriculum – Spring 1 



Texts - 

The Fox and the Star  


School Trip – Recount Writing 


ELS spelling is taught three times a week. 


READING BOOKS  - These should be brought to school EVERY DAY to enable us to record when guided reading sessions have been done in school. Books will be changed on a FRIDAY. 


Home Reading  

Your child is expected to read for at least 10 minutes, five times a week.  

However, they are not limited to five times as we would like them to read as often as possible to develop a real love for books and take pleasure in exploring different types of books.  


When you read with your child, please record this in their reading record.  


When you record what your child has read, please include the following: 

✓ The date they have read on. 

✓ The name of the book they have read.  

✓ The pages that they have read that day. 

✓ A couple of sentences about what you have noticed or how they have read.  


When you read with your child, please question them on what they have read, ask them lots of questions about the story as this develops their comprehension and understanding. Please use the reading booklet provided at the start of the year to help you with the sorts of questions you might ask, dependent on the colour band your child is reading. 


Comprehension is a key skill assessed in Year 2 so asking questions will help your child greatly with their understanding. 



Quarter -Past (start of half term) 

Addition and Subtraction  


Multiplication and division 



Books - The books used in Church Thanksgiving  

Mass - a special time for saying thank you to God 


This half term's value is GRATITUDE




Plants (and throughout year) 



Significant historical events and people from locality 



Programming A - Robot algorithms 



Clay Portraits 



Keeping Safe  

1.How do medicines help us when we are unwell? 

2.How do I keep safe at home? 

3. What is my responsibility for keeping myself and others safe? 

These are also linked to our Rights Respecting Curriculum. 






PE days are on WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 

Children should come to school with their SCHOOL PE KIT in a BAG these days. They will change for PE in school. 

Please ensure your child’s school PE kit is clearly labelled. 



Assembly songs 

Grandma Rap 



Spellings - your child will have a set of spellings to learn each week. In the homework book, please work with your child to write each word in a sentence. Underline the spelling word in the sentence. Please use PENCIL.


Spelling books should be brought in on a FRIDAY so we can do the spell check in the back. This enables you to see how your child did in the spell check so you can help further at home


Maths -  your child may be given a workbook for the weekend to practise what we are learning in Maths. This may not be every weekend. This does not have to be returned to school.


Please see the MyMaths website for additional activities should you wish to use them.


Phonics Videos

Click the links below to view the video:


Articulation of Phonemes

Phase 2 teaching blending

How To Read With Your Child
