It is very important that parents/families request any leave formally and in writing by using the form below. Please make the request in writing at least 4 weeks in advance of the leave of absence. We will reply to you in writing.
Research shows a direct correlation between high attendance and attaining well at school. All children have the right to an education. We encourage and expect excellent attendance for all pupils.
To maintain the high levels of attendance we would like to highlight the following points:
You will be giving your child the best possible chance to reach his/her potential if s/he attends school regularly and on time.
The Headteacher is not permitted to grant any leave of absence during term unless there are exceptional circumstances. Holiday leave would not be considered an exceptional circumstance.
In those cases where permission is not granted, your child will be considered absent without authorisation.
We will:
It is vital for the progress of your child that they are punctual and regular attendees at school.
The DfE have issued new guidance on attendance for September 2022.
It is important that parents/carers telephone to inform school if their child is going to be absent informing us of a reason before 10.00am. Please call 0161 881 1040 and leave a message on the answerphone. Our admin team will contact the parent provided by text if an absence has not been reported by 10.00am.
Registration begins at 8.55am and the register closes at 9.25am. If your child arrives after this time, they will be marked as present but arriving late. Pupils arriving after the close of register will be recorded as late. This will not be authorised and will count as an absence for that school session.
On arrival after the close of register, pupils must immediately report to the school office to ensure that we can be responsible for their health and safety whilst they are in school.
Unauthorised absence – this is when children are absent from school without the authority of the head teacher. Below is a list of some of the reasons where absence from school may not be authorised;
Birthday treat
Day trip
Shopping or visit to hairdresser
Taking a long week-end
Taking the rest of the day off, before or after a dental or medical appointment
Family celebration
Authorised absence – There are very few reasons why absence may be authorised and in all cases you must inform your child’s school and explain the reasons why your child is absent.
If you need to take your child out of school during term time for exceptional circumstances, then you must contact your child’s school who will inform you of the procedure.
Only the head teacher can authorise absence and may request further evidence to support this.