
Mission Statement


Our mission statement is.....


"Growing and learning together in the footsteps of Jesus.”


is underpinned by our 6 core values:

Gratitude    Love    Respect    Joy    Kindness    Resilience


Gratitude... or a sense of appreciation,

Love of God and all creation,

Respect in words and actions too,

Joy which shines through all we do,

Kindness shown in little ways,

Resilience for the tougher days,

On these we build our community.

Everyone of us... and that means ME!


- Dios es Amor - 



These values reflect who we are and the ethos of our school community.

We aim to thread faith and love throughout our school; guiding each other in our work and on our spiritual journey.


At St John's Catholic Primary School, Gospel values and our Catholic faith permeate school life and determine the way in which we behave towards each other, resulting in positive, caring relationships between staff, children and their families. We focus on each individual child acknowledging both rights and responsibilities.

The spiritual life of our school is rooted in the worship and witness of our community. Our purpose is to sustain and develop a sense of purpose in our children which means helping them to understand they are called to be the best person they can be.


'Be who God created you to be and you will set the world on fire'

- Catherine of Sienna -


We work in close partnership with families, ensuring they are fully involved in their child's education and understand how to support their child's progress.

A strong pastoral structure underpins the curriculum that seeks to develop the potential of every child. Learning is valued at all stages, with engagement, challenge and achievement being the focus, in many different learning environments. Whether this is academic, spiritual or emotional, we continually strive to live out our mission - 'Growing and learning in the footsteps of Jesus'.

The school has caring and highly committed staff, whose togetherness shines through in the collaborative and supportive way we work. They too are valued as individuals and are fantastic role models for our young people.

In order for our children to 'live life to the full' we provide an extensive range of enrichment opportunities, where each child's God-given talents can be nurtured and developed.

At St. John's we have 6 values that are linked to the beatitudes and to our UN Rights of the Child articles;

