Welcome To Our Year Three Class Page - Miss Connor
Welcome to Spring1
Happy New Year!
We hope you all had a fun, restful break with family and friends.
Wishing you all a healthy and successful year ahead.
We are looking forward to starting a new term with the children with some exciting topics coming up. The children have already been working so hard in Year 3 and we look forward to further developing their learning skills throughout the curriculum.
The core value for this half term is "gratitude" and this will run through all our work and play over the next 6 weeks. We will explore the many things we are grateful for both in school and at home as well as how we can show this gratitude in different ways, not just by using good manners.
Please note, children will need to PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursday. PE on Tuesday will now be outdoor, children can wear navy, plain tracksuit bottoms and tops over their St John's blue t-shirt. PE on Thursday will be dance, children can wear their St John's blue t-shirt and blue shorts.
Teaching Assistants:
Mr Plant
Miss Connor can be contacted on info@stjohnsrc.net.
Important dates this half term:
Sacramental Meeting: Sunday 2nd February
(For any queries or concerns regarding the Sacramental Programme, please contact Father Anthony directly on 0161-881-3558 or at office.olsj@dioceseofsalford.org.uk)
Please find the information for our core subjects in Spring 1 below:
English: Stone Age Boy is the book that we will be covering in English which is a historical narrative. The children will continue to develop their story writing skills and practice writing in third person using past and present tenses.
Maths: This half term, we will be continuing with multiplication and division. By the end of year 3, the children should have a secure knowledge of the 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10x tables (both multiplication and division facts). We will then move on to length and measure.
Religion: Baptism: Exploring promises made which help us to be the best versions of ourselves in the image of God.
Science: This half term we will be learning all about Plants. The children will develop their learning of plant growth begun in Year 2 before looking at how important water is to plants and how it travels through each part of the plant. The children will look at parts of a plant/flower and learn about different types of pollination.
Humanities: We will be starting a History topic this term on "The Stone Age to Iron Age" . Children will explore the lifestyles of stone age people as well as how these changed as time went on. We will also be looking at art during this historical period and linking our learning to Dance.
Your child will come home each Friday with a colour-banded reading book. These books can only be changed each Friday, however they can be kept longer than a week if necessary.
In addition, you child will be set weekly spellings which will be assessed in a non-formal way at the end of each week. The idea being that we expect to see correct spellings in children's work, rather than in an independent spelling test.
Times Tables:
The children now have logins for TT Rockstars which is very popular platform for practising times tables. The logins were stuck into the front of the purple books last half term, please let us know if you need these sending home again.
This website has great activities to help your child learn, practise and enjoy times table facts in a fun and engaging way.
This year, your child will be given a log in for Atom Prime which is an online platform for English homework. Once logged on, your child will find an English task to have a go at. We encourage the children to have a go independently as the program not only adapts to their answers (to make sure it's at the right level) but also provides feedback as to where they went wrong. As soon as the login details have been set up, we will be in touch with further information on this aspect of homework.
Your child will be given a log in for My Maths which is an online platform for Maths homework.
PE Days
Children will need to PE kit on Tuesdays and Thursday. PE on Tuesday will now be outdoor, children can wear navy, plain tracksuit bottoms and tops over their St John's blue t-shirt. PE on Thursday will be dance, children can wear their St John's blue t-shirt and blue shorts.