We aim to provide full-time nursery places for children who are aged three from September 1st to August 31st of the previous academic year. Children cannot be admitted into our Nursery until they are aged three. We aim to have all our children admitted to the Nursery by the end of September.
Parents/carers should contact the school office if they wish to place their child’s name on our nursery waiting list. Admission to the nursery is based on age. Putting your child’s name on the waiting list earlier does not mean they will get into the nursery earlier. Children’s names need to be on the nursery waiting list by the end of the Easter holidays, the term before they are due to start in the nursery. Parents and carers will be notified of a place before May half term holiday. Once accepted for our nursery a homeschool transition programme will be organised for your child. This is run by the Nursery team.
Manchester local authority is responsible for admission of all reception places, including children who are already in our nursery. The local authority form must be completed by parents online by the nominated date in the year before your child is due to start reception. A late application could result in your child not getting a place at the school of their choice. Parents who have a nursery place at St John’s do not automatically get a place in reception at that school but over the last few years, all children who attended our Nursery were admitted into Reception.
Please speak to Mrs Joyce if you would like to discuss this further.
Contact should be made with the school office. Details will be taken and the parents/carers will be advised if there are any vacancies in that year group. If there are vacancies an appointment will be made for the parents/carers and child to come to visit our school. The office will advise the parents/carers of documentation that will be needed and admission forms will be completed.
Children are then admitted to school by a mutually agreeable date. In cases where we do not have vacancies, we will refer the family to the local authority.
The local Authority will deliver to school an application form with instructions on how you can apply for your child’s secondary school place. This must be completed and returned to the local authority.
Click here to go to Manchester City Councils school admissions page.
Manchester apply for a School Place - Reception September 2024 Applications
It was wonderful to see so much interest in our school during our recent open morning. If your child is due to start Reception in September 2024, please follow the steps below.
Apply for a reception class place for September 2024
How to apply
Apply here if:
your child is starting school for the first time in September 2024; and
you live in Manchester.
The deadline for on-time Reception 2024 school applications is Monday 15 January 2024.
Trafford primary school admissions
Starting primary school September 2024
If you live in Trafford and your child will start in reception class in September 2024, you must apply to Trafford for all your preferred schools, including schools in other local authority areas. We work with other areas to make sure each child is only offered one place.
The closing date for primary school applications is 15 January 2024.
Some schools may ask you to complete a supplementary form and return it to the school. This is often for faith schools. Please check the school website to see if one is required. You must still also include that school in your application to Trafford. If you only apply directly to a school, your application will not be considered.
Before you submit your application, please read the primary application guidance.