
Year 2 – Silver Birch

We love our library time in Year Two Silver Birch!


Welcome To Our Year Two Class Page - Miss Murphy and Mrs Byrne

Teaching Assistant: Miss Hammersley

Welcome Back!


A warm welcome back to the first half of the Summer Term of Year Two. We hope you and your families have enjoyed a lovely Easter break.


Please take time to look at Twitter / X where we will show you the learning and experiences taking place. Please do not hesitate to contact us on should you have any queries.



Year 2 trip to Martin Mere - Friday 26th April 2024

May Bank Holiday - Monday 6th May 2024

Year 2 What are we learning this year?

Curriculum - Summer 1



Texts - The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Troll, Jack and the Beanstalk (fiction) 

Using these texts we will be answering questions to help our understanding of the texts. Writing pieces we will produce include retelling with a change, book reviews, character and setting descriptions and letters.


We are now working on ELS spelling.





Length & Height

Mass, capacity & temperature


Ongoing arithmetic



Pentecost - a time to spread the Good News

Reconciliation - reasons for rules in the Christian family sacrament of Reconciliation


This half term's value is JOY.



Living things and their habitats


History & Geography:




Creating Media - digital music






Living in the wider world

What groups and communities am I a part of?

How do we make choices about spending money?

How can we look after the environment?

These are also linked to our Rights Respecting Curriculum.



Sing-a-long with Shostakovick

Charlie Chaplain



Our PE day is WEDNESDAY. Please bring in labelled kit in a named bag and children will change into it in school. We are no longer wearing kit in school.


Further Class Information:


Reading books should be brought to school every day and will be changed on a Friday.

Homework books should be brought to school on a Friday in order to do spell check.

Library books should be brought to school on Wednesday.

Reading Books:


Reading books are sent home on a Friday. Please use the Reading Book Band booklet sent home to help you with questions you might ask your child to help their understanding of what they are reading.


There is a reading for pleasure library book sent on a Wednesday to be shared as a family. These will be changed weekly.


Reading books should be brought to school EVERY DAY. There are no set reading days in Year Two. This allows for greater flexibility and extra reading sessions if possible.




Spellings - your child will have a set of spellings to learn each week. Please use the ideas on the sheet given with the Year 1 spell check to practise. In the homework book, please work with your child to write each word in a sentence. Underline the spelling word in the sentence. 


Spelling book should be in on a FRIDAY so we can do the spell check in the back.


Maths -  your child will be given a workbook for the weekend to practise what we are learning in Maths. This may not be every weekend. This does not have to be returned to school.

Please see the MyMaths website for additional activities should you wish to use them.



Phonics Videos

Click the links below to view the video:


Articulation of Phonemes

Phase 2 teaching blending

How To Read With Your Child
