
Aspire Tag Rugby

Primarily, at Aspire, we aim to make all our sessions fun, enjoyable experiences for your children. 


In each of our sports we concentrate on teaching the fundamental movement skills (running, jumping, co-ordination, balance, agility, sending and receiving) through the huge variety of sports activities we offer. 

Fundamental movement skills are key components for the physical development of children and

at Aspire we aim to maximise the potential of EVERY child who attends our sports courses through a safe, fun and enjoyable learning experience.

All our coaches are fully qualified, first aid trained and DBS checked to the highest level.


   Although all the fundamental movement skills are taught in tag rugby. We put a special emphasis on invasion skills particularly agility and speed, the skills taught in tag rugby are also very relevant in many other invasion sports. St Johns has been hugely successful at tag rugby for the past 20 years I put this down to are unique way of teaching the children tag invasion skills.

All the games we play in tag rugby sessions are fun-based games.
